Saturday, March 15, 2008

Starting Over

OK, So I dropped off the face of the world with my blog for a bit and for that I apologize. I admit that some of this lapse was caused by sheer laziness however my worrying about my health had a lot to do with it as well. Also the lapse was only in the blogging about my diet and not in my practicing of it.

So on to my Health, Let me start by saying this. Fuck my Blood!

Apparently on top of Diabetes I am now diagnosed with Microcytosis, This a a disorder associated with Microcytic Anemia. Basically Anemia is defined by the red blood cell count being too low. In some types of Anemia, red blood cells are also abnormal in size or shape. This low red cell count causes a lack of iron in the blood. Here's the catch, I'm not Anemic, in fact the level of iron in my blood is too fucking high. This combination has my doctors bugging out, when doctors Bug out they start dropping the "C" bomb... No not "cunt" the other "C" bomb. Cancer.

In addition to Microcytosis, I have High Blood Pressure starting tomorrow I will be logging blood pressure measurements along with my blood sugar levels. This is not the only change in my blog, in the interest in saving time I will be just using the print outs from instead of my daily breakdowns, But I will still be posting recipes and tips though, what can I say. it's the "host" in me I can't help myself. I'm also gonna link some of my friends weight-loss blogs for you folks to check out.

Finally, I have a request. I need feedback. I want to know that people are seeing this, If they aren't then there isn't a whole lot of point to be doing it. So if your reading, tell me so. Comment, drop me and e-mail, Message me. Let me know it's worth it.

1 Comment:

  1. Mark said...
    I wish you all the best :-)

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